Life happens.
Be ready.
Be uninterrupted.
Life is messy—we get it. That’s why we built the ultimate support system to help you crush whatever life throws your way.
Community | Advice | Resources
You are not alone.
Proven advice starts here.
Our Founding Members offer successful strategies and actionable advice, drawn from their own experiences with interruptions.
Founding Members
VP+ level or owner
Large companies
($100M in sales)
Founding Members are a curated group of executive women from diverse industries and company sizes, including:
Be connected.
Our community is here for you.
Fostering human connection: our community offers support through personalized and group opportunities so you will never feel alone.
Have a 1:1 peer support call
A 1:1 peer support call connects you with a fellow member who has faced and overcome the same challenge you're experiencing, sharing their insights, encouragement and perspective.
Join us at member events
Member events focus on building community and networking, offering opportunities for both casual connections and informative exchanges with fellow members.
Access our network list of trusted experts.
Connect with a network of vetted experts and professionals:
- Financial advisors & planners
- Primary care physicians
- Medical specialists & clinics
- Mental health specialists
- Lawyers (Labour, Family, Criminal)
- Executive coaches
- Caregiver services
Get an action plan with curated resources and referrals.
Get a weekly action plan with curated resources and vetted referrals—no more time wasted searching or trial and error. Everything you need is right at your fingertips.
Meet Gia a new member.
Gia is a business owner with daughters ages 3 & 5 years old, married, and mindful of her aging parents
Save time with convenient health care.
Standard/+ members have access to premium physical & mental care saving you time and stress.
- Same or next-day appointment
- After-hours medical advice
- Get convenient referrals to in-house specialists
- Access to mental health professionals & tools
- Discount rates for full-body assessment
Have Questions?
Be Uninterrupted is a support system for professional women to help navigate or avoid career interruptions with actionable and proven advice when it matters most - enabled by AI and human connections.
Be Uninterrupted content is a curated collection of insights and success strategies from our Founding Members, who have generously shared their experiences overcoming specific interruptions. This advice is supplemented by expert reviews of action plans to ensure accuracy and effectiveness, providing a comprehensive guide for enhanced focus and productivity.
We offer two tiers of membership – Baseline and Standard, with a family option for Standard called “Standard+”.
All tiers include:
- 24/7 actionable advice for 150+ personal or professional interruptions, or moments that matter, such as: negotiating a deal, engaging with challenging stakeholders, building your brand, seeking advancement, and dealing with illness. Whether personal or professional, these interruptions impact our ability to do our best work.
- Educational webinars and exclusive invitations to events where experts and executives will share their insights and success guides.
- Vetted resources curated into action plans that encompass articles, books, videos, podcasts, and other ways to learn.
- One-on-one meetings with women who have faced similar moments that matter, so I can avoid or navigate interruptions to my career.
- Referrals to trusted professionals, such as executive coaches, financial professionals, and healthcare or aging parent concierges, for additional support.
- Ongoing support from a network of women committed to lifting each other up.
Standard and Standard+ (Family Plan) include Medcan Year Care, a Meditation App, a Work/Life Plan template with the completed plan reviewed by an executive coach each year, and 5 extra 1:1 peer-support calls (10 total).
Yes, many employers cover membership costs. Be Uninterrupted provides opportunities for learning, support calls, networking, and building leadership skills. Here is a request letter that you can use to ask your company to cover the annual fees for Be Uninterrupted membership – blue is specific to Baseline, yellow for Standard, and green for Standard+.
Imagine your uninterrupted potential.
Welcome to your support system with actionable and vetted advice when it matters most.